Arbitrary Parameters with the arguments Object

Originally published in the A Drip of JavaScript newsletter.

In last week's issue we discussed default parameters. That gives us some flexibility when working with parameters, but what if we want something that would accept as many arguments as we can throw at it? Say for example that we want to create a function which adds together all the arguments we pass to it. How would we go about that?

function addAll () {
    // What do we do here?

// Should return 6
addAll(1, 2, 3);

// Should return 10
addAll(1, 2, 3, 4);

Fortunately, JavaScript does have an answer, though it is a little quirky. The answer is the arguments object.

Though it isn't exactly an array, the arguments object acts like an array that happens to contain every parameter passed to the function.

function myFunc () {
    console.log(arguments[0], arguments[1]);

// Outputs "param1" and "param2"
myFunc("param1", "param2");

Now that we know about arguments, it is easy to make an addition function that will operate on any number of parameters.

function addAll () {
    var sum = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        sum = sum + arguments[i];

    return sum;

// Returns 6
addAll(1, 2, 3);

// Returns 10
addAll(1, 2, 3, 4);

One problem to watch out for with arguments is that it isn't really an array. We can see this by running the following:

function myFunc () {

// Will output 'false'

So it's not an array. Does that make a difference? Unfortunately, yes. It doesn't have any of the normal array methods like push, pop, slice,indexOf, or sort.

function sortArgs () {
    // This won't work!
    sorted = arguments.sort()

    return sorted;

This can easily bite you, especially if you pass the contents of arguments to another function which expects a real array.

The solution is surprisingly easy to use, but a little more difficult to understand.

function sortArgs () {
    // Convert arguments object into a real array
    var args = [];

    // Now this will work!
    sorted = args.sort()

    return sorted;

What's going on here has several steps:

  1. We create an empty array.
  2. We use the array's slice method.
  3. We use the call method to tell slice that it should operate on arguments rather than on the empty array.

Invoking slice without specifying which index the slice should begin at will return an unsliced array. And that's how we end up with exactly what we want: a real array that contains every parameter that was passed to the function.

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