Building Up Arrays with Array#concat

Originally published in the A Drip of JavaScript newsletter.

Working with arrays is the bread and butter of being a JavaScript developer. And among the most common tasks is building up a new array out of smaller ones. Let's take a look at one way to do this.

Suppose that you are implementing a registry that holds a list of metahumans. We want to be able to add to the list by giving it a list of new metahumans. A quick and simple way to do it might look like this.

// Metahuman Registry
var mhr = [];

var heroes = ["Captain Marvel", "Aquaman"];
var villains = ["Black Adam", "Ocean Master"];

mhr = mhr.concat(heroes);

// Outputs: ["Captain Marvel", "Aquaman"]

mhr = mhr.concat(villains);

// Outputs: [
//     "Captain Marvel",
//     "Aquaman",
//     "Black Adam",
//     "Ocean Master"
// ]

As you can see, when we pass in an array concat creates a new array which consists of the elements of both mhr and whatever we passed in, maintaining the order of the elements. This is useful on its own, but it turns out that concat can actually accept multiple arguments. So we could rewrite the example above as follows:

// Metahuman Registry
var mhr = [];

var heroes = ["Captain Marvel", "Aquaman"];
var villains = ["Black Adam", "Ocean Master"];

mhr = mhr.concat(heroes, villains);

// Outputs: [
//     "Captain Marvel",
//     "Aquaman",
//     "Black Adam",
//     "Ocean Master"
// ]

But concat can handle more than just arrays. If concat is given a non-array value, it will just drop that value into the new array at the appropriate location.

// Metahuman Registry
var mhr = [];

var heroes = ["Captain Marvel", "Aquaman"];
var villains = ["Black Adam", "Ocean Master"];

mhr = mhr.concat(heroes, villains, "Death");

// Outputs: [
//     "Captain Marvel",
//     "Aquaman",
//     "Black Adam",
//     "Ocean Master",
//     "Death"
// ]

So far I've been glossing over an important detail. The concat method doesn't modify the array that it is called on. Instead it creates a brand new array. That's why in the examples above I've been assigning the result to mhr.

The fact that it is a new array can be quite useful. Suppose that you want to be able to check whether mhr has been modified since the last time you checked on it. You could do something like this:

// Metahuman Registry
var mhr = [];

var original = mhr;

// Outputs: true
console.log(mhr === original);

var heroes = ["Captain Marvel", "Aquaman"];
mhr = mhr.concat(heroes);

// Outputs: false
console.log(mhr === original);

I hope this look at concat gave you a deeper understanding of how it works.

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