Determining if a String Contains a Substring in JavaScript

Originally published in the A Drip of JavaScript newsletter.

One of the most basic tasks in any programming language is determining whether a string contains a given substring. Unfortunately, JavaScript's built-in tools for doing so leave quite a bit to be desired. First of all, let's take a look at using String.prototype's indexOf method.

var philosophers = "Aquinas, Maimonedes, and Avicenna";
var me = "Joshua";

function printPhilosopherStatus (person) {
    if (philosophers.indexOf(person) >= 0) {
        console.log(person + " is a philosopher.");
    } else {
        console.log(person + " is NOT a philosopher.");

// Outputs: "Joshua is NOT a philosopher."

While indexOf is often recommended as a simple way to test for the presence of a substring, that's not really its purpose. Its job is to return the index at which a given substring is found. In the event that no match is found, it will return -1. That means that we can use it, but the clarity of the code suffers. Ideally, what we're looking for is a method with a name that matches our intention (determining if x contains y), and returns a simple true or false.

Looking through the documentation for String.prototype, the search method looks promising due to its name. Unfortunately, with the exception of matching on a regular expression rather than a string, the behavior is identical to indexOf.

However, that does point us toward something else useful. RegExp.prototype has a test method which returns a boolean. Let's try it out.

var philosophers = "Aquinas, Maimonedes, and Avicenna";
var me = "Joshua";

function printPhilosopherStatus (person) {
    var personRegExp = new RegExp(person);
    if (personRegExp.test(philosophers)) {
        console.log(person + " is a philosopher.");
    } else {
        console.log(person + " is NOT a philosopher.");

// Outputs: "Joshua is NOT a philosopher."

This is a bit better because the method itself returns true or false. The method name also communicates intent more clearly than indexOf.

Unfortunately, if we are trying to match a string which uses characters like ? or ., we have a problem. Because they have special meanings in regular expressions, we have to deal with escaping them. That means this isn't a very good general purpose solution. In addition, the code could still use some improvement in clearly communicating its intent.

Finally we come to String.prototype's contains method.

var philosophers = "Aquinas, Maimonedes, and Avicenna";
var me = "Joshua";

function printPhilosopherStatus (person) {
    if (philosophers.contains(person)) {
        console.log(person + " is a philosopher.");
    } else {
        console.log(person + " is NOT a philosopher.");

// Outputs: "Joshua is NOT a philosopher."

This has all the features that we've been looking for. It returns a boolean value, and the method name clearly conveys the intent of our code.

Unfortunately, there is a problem. The contains method is a proposal for the next version of JavaScript (ECMAScript 6) and has only been implemented in FireFox 19+ so far.

If you'd like to use something similar to contains, for now your best bet is to use a third-party library like String.js, a "prolly-fill" like ES6 Shim, or wrap indexOf in your own custom utility function, like so:

function aContainsB (a, b) {
    return a.indexOf(b) >= 0;

var philosophers = "Aquinas, Maimonedes, and Avicenna";
var me = "Joshua";

function printPhilosopherStatus (person) {
    if (aContainsB(philosophers, person)) {
        console.log(person + " is a philosopher.");
    } else {
        console.log(person + " is NOT a philosopher.");

// Outputs: "Joshua is NOT a philosopher."

And that is an overview of some the ways you can determine if a string contains substrings in JavaScript.

Thanks for reading!

Joshua Clanton

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