Preventing Object Extensions in JavaScript
Originally published in the A Drip of JavaScript newsletter.
In the last two drips, we've discussed safeguarding your objects with Object.seal
and Object.freeze
. In this issue we look at our final object protection mechanism: Object.preventExtensions
Suppose that you have an object recording the populations of the continents. You probably don't want new continents added willy-nilly.
var continentPopulations = {
africa: 1100000000,
antarctica: 5000,
asia: 4300000000,
australia: 36000000,
europe: 739000000,
northAmerica: 529000000,
southAmerica: 387000000
continentPopulations.atlantis = 50000;
// Outputs: undefined
As you can see, the effect of Object.preventExtensions
is to prevent the adding of new properties to an object. If you are using strict mode it will throw an error, but in normal mode it will fail silently.
It is important to remember that Object.preventExtensions
does not prevent manipulating the values of existing properties.
// The antarctic population drops during winter
continentPopulations.antarctica = 500;
// Outputs: 500
Nor does it prevent deleting existing properties.
// In the year 2248 Antarctica was destroyed
// by spacefaring dinosaurs from another dimension
delete continentPopulations.antarctica;
// Outputs: undefined
To detect whether an object will accept new properties, use the corresponding Object.isExtensible
method like so:
// Outputs: false
and Object.isExtensible
are both part of the ECMAScript 5 specification, so older browsers like IE8 don't support them. And due to the limitations of previous versions of JavaScript, these features cannot be polyfilled.
That's it for our series on JavaScript's built-in object protection methods.