Basic Inheritance with JavaScript Constructors

Originally published in the A Drip of JavaScript newsletter.

We've looked before at using JavaScript's constructors to create our own custom object types. But what we didn't look at was how we can create an inheritance hierarchy.

It's important to note that even though constructors are often referred to as "classes," they really aren't the same thing as classes in other languages. In JavaScript, a constructor is just a function invoked by the new operator which builds a new object.

Here's a little refresher:

function SuperHuman (name, superPower) { = name;
    this.superPower = superPower;

SuperHuman.prototype.usePower = function () {
    console.log(this.superPower + "!");

var banshee = new SuperHuman("Silver Banshee", "sonic wail");

// Outputs: "sonic wail!"

The SuperHuman constructor contains our initialization logic, while SuperHuman.prototype contains the methods that are shared across all SuperHuman instances.

But suppose that we want to create a new type which inherits from SuperHuman while adding its own functionality? What would that look like?

function SuperHero (name, superPower) { = name;
    this.superPower = superPower;
    this.allegiance = "Good";

SuperHero.prototype.saveTheDay = function () {
    console.log( + " saved the day!");

var marvel = new SuperHero("Captain Marvel", "magic");

// Outputs: "Captain Marvel saved the day!"

While this gets us started, there are a couple of problems. First of all, the SuperHero constructor is repeating some of the logic of the SuperHuman constructor. And more importantly, at this point instances of SuperHero don't have access to SuperHuman methods. For example:

// TypeError: Object <#SuperHero> has no method 'usePower'

Let's fix those couple of issues.

function SuperHero (name, superPower) {
    // Reuse SuperHuman initialization, name, superPower);

    this.allegiance = "Good";

SuperHero.prototype = new SuperHuman();

SuperHero.prototype.saveTheDay = function () {
    console.log( + " saved the day!");

var marvel = new SuperHero("Captain Marvel", "magic");

// Outputs: "Captain Marvel saved the day!"

// Outputs: "magic!"

We've managed to eliminate the repeated constructor logic by calling SuperHuman with SuperHero's this object and passing along the necessary arguments. That ensures that SuperHuman's initialization logic will act on the new SuperHero object. And then we tack on the additional logic that is specific to SuperHero.

But where the inheritance comes in is on SuperHero.prototype. In order to ensure that it inherits the methods from SuperHuman.prototype, we actually make it an instance of SuperHuman with new SuperHuman().

This basic inheritance pattern won't always work, particularly if the parent constructor is complex, but it will handle simple situations quite well.

In future issues we'll take a look at more sophisticated ways of doing inheritance.

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