The Problem with Testing for NaN in JavaScript

Originally published in the A Drip of JavaScript newsletter.

In JavaScript, the special value NaN (meaning "not a number") is used to represent the result of a mathematical calculation that cannot be represented as a meaningful number. For example:

var divisionByZod = 42 / "General Zod";

// Outputs: NaN

You are also likely run into NaN when using parseInt or parseFloat to extract a number from a string, as in this example:

var doomedParse = parseInt("Doomsday", 10);

// Outputs: NaN

As a result, JavaScript developers often need to test a result variable to see whether it contains NaN or whether it is a meaningful value instead. There are several different ways of checking if a value is NaN, but unfortunately most of them are unreliable. Let's walk through some of them and see how they fail.

The logical thing to do is check whether the result is equal to NaN.

var divisionByZod = 42 / "General Zod";

var equalsNaN = (divisionByZod === NaN);

// Outputs: false

What's going on here? In JavaScript, NaN has the distinction of being the only value that is not equal to itself. That means we can't find out whether a value is NaN by checking equality to NaN because the answer will always be no.

What else could we try? How about the built in isNaN function?

var divisionByZod = 42 / "General Zod";

var valueIsNaN = isNaN(divisionByZod);

// Outputs: true

Awesome! This one seems to work. And in fact it does work under some circumstances. However, despite the name, the purpose of the isNaN function isn't to check whether a value is NaN. Instead, the purpose is to check whether a value cannot be coerced to a number. Because of this, it may return false positives. Consider the following:

var isJorElNaN = isNaN("Jor El");

// Outputs: true

Unless you are certain that you will be dealing only with numbers or NaN, the isNaN function isn't quite fit for this purpose.

However, it turns out that ECMAScript 6 creates a new function for the specific purpose of checking whether a value is NaN. Confusingly, this function is also called isNaN, though it is attached to the Number object rather than directly to the global object. It can be used like this:

var divisionByZod = 42 / "General Zod";

var valueIsNaN = Number.isNaN(divisionByZod);

// Outputs: true

Excellent! We've got a method that really works. Unfortunately, Number.isNaN is only available in newer versions of FireFox and Chrome, and isn't yet supported in IE or other major browsers. This may be a viable approach in the future, but for right now it can only be used in very narrow circumstances.

Maybe we can check NaN's type instead?

// Outputs: "Number"
console.log(typeof NaN);

Yes, you're reading that correctly. In JavaScript, the value NaN is of type number. That's not going to be very helpful.

So what can we do to get something that works correctly, but is also available cross-browser? Remember how I mentioned that NaN is the only value in JavaScript that is not equal to itself? We can take advantage of that fact.

var divisionByZod = 42 / "General Zod";

// This can only be true if the value is NaN
var valueIsNaN = (divisionByZod !== divisionByZod);

// Outputs: true

Currently the best way to check whether a value is NaN is to check whether it is not equal to itself. If so, then you know that it is NaN.

Of course, using this technique isn't especially readable, so it is common to wrap it up into a utility method which communicates the intent more clearly. Both Underscore and Lo-Dash provide implementations.

I hope this has helped you get a better grasp on the quirks of NaN.

Thanks for reading!

Josh Clanton

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